They have awards for all sorts of innovations and industrial breakthroughs. Some things take a little time to bed into the mindset. In a large organisation or company, it can be very difficult to track employee training unless an element of control is introduced. A learning management system is a software platform that specifically manages, shares out and tracks employee training; every time they log on to do a bit more, it is recorded on their personal record. This is the main function but of course, as with almost every invention under the sun, it is possible to utilise them for other purposes too. Not only can they manage the every day role and company focused training modules, it is possible and very advisable to use the LMS to manage the even greater challenge of compliance training and customer education.
The suppliers of LMs systems also have the market covered with a variety of other very beneficial software systems. Best project management; best contruction project management; best task management etc etc. In fact there will be a management software package for every type of task that needs managing but it is a case of looking through and reviewing exactly what is needed in your particular company. Does your current softwre supplier already have an allied programme that can work alongside your current programmes and will the software designers be able to amalgamate them. All very valid questions.