To get the very best out of every person in a work force, there is a point to be made for giving them additional training and learning resources to fall back on. When I was a civil servant, we had mandatory training courses. For the earlier years these were generally confined to the job in hand. Then gradually the more generally focused health and safety matters seemed to dominate the skyline. In the last few years there was much of H&S but also legal speak – such as stamping out fraud. We had to do regular courses that explicitly outlined how to recognise fraud as individuals and as members of a team. Today it serves all companies and employees well to take part in online and e-learning courses on all these matters. No one can be over qualified in their knowledge of how to spot an infringement or hazard looming in their vicinity. Also some of these amazing courses will bring a new insight to the candidate and perhaps jog them along to look at furthering their current position and trying to aim for the next notch or two up the scale by this time next year. It just takes a bit of effort and a decent online educational resource!