Young folk leaving school today need to have a truly awesome grasp of the trends in technology and industry in general if they are to carve out a long term and profitable career. In the ‘old days’ it was so easy to just leave school and find a job – be that manual labour, banking, typist, milkman etc. Aspirations didn’t need to run high for the majority of youngsters. There was the expectation that a job would be for life, you worked hard, had a holiday a year if lucky, and retired at 65. It needs a great deal more planning these days. Having an idea what you actually like doing and want to work at for a living are different to the hobbies and past times we take up along the way.
Take nursing for example. At one time an intelligent pupil, almost always female, could be pointed in the direction of the nearest hospital that had a nurse training school and providing she showed some aptitude for learning and some good edside manner, was likely to be accepted for either a two year, State Enrolled post, or a three year course to become a State Registereed Nurse – the latter was preferable for the brighter lass as it meant starting one’s career as a Staff Nurse. However for the last thirty or so years, the hospital authorities have deemed it necessary for all nurses to be university educated to graduate level. So anyone wanting to take up the career needs to know in good time at school to ensure the correct examination choices are made. But it is worth it in the end as Nursing is still one of the most trusted professions.