Distance Or Online Training – And The Difference Is ?

The main difference between the two is how much interaction is offered.  Distance learning tends to be self-paced, students dipping in as often as their busy schedules allow and at times to suit them.  The courses are there for that purpose, of working at home online whilst the teacher assigns work and checks-in digitally.  There is no expectancy of in-person interaction between teacher and student – the latter relying on digital forms of communication as demonstrated in messaging apps, video calls, discussion boards and the school’s learning management system, known universally as LMS.

Online learning on the other hand usually does include interaction with students together in the classroom with an instructor, whilst they all work together through their digital lessons and assignments.   This form of tuition is a blended learning technique along with other teaching systems.

Another difference bnetween online and distance is the intention of the teaching strategy.  Online is designed to be used in conjunction with other in-person teaching methods – a supplemental way of adding variety to the learning opportunities to the student.

Learning Management & Progress Checks

Most home based folk who just use their computer or laptop for family emails, ordering from online sales outlets and that sort of thing will not worry their collective little heads about LMS.  This is a term that skirts around the periphery of life, just as AI used to.  However, LMS, learning managemnt systems, are designed to provide custom designed training for groups of employees in organisations large and small.  It tracks the progress that each candidate is making, or not as the case may be.  When I worked fll time in a government organisation, we had mandatory learning and career progression sessions that were viewed by most colleagues as a ‘big brother watching us’ item and they were never welcomed.  I personaly found them quite enlightening – being a massive ministry, the learning tools were bulk standard and the delivery was a one size fits all process.  However although at first listen, many of the courses seemed to be designed for another department’s staff, they were generally very well organised and I did learn a lot that stood me in good stead when navigating my way through various role applications.

Shorthand Typing At School – Skills For Life

We always think the way we were taught at achool must surely be the best method – it worked for us, didn’t it?  I always thought about the fantastic commercial subjects teacher I had at upper school.  That lady was exceptional in her ability to train a group of students with a vast range of abilities at the start of one academic year and by the final week of the second year, out would troup 30 or more perfectly trained secretaries – all well primed and ready to go.    Sadly because of the massive changes in our beaviour and use of computers and laptops etc, shorthand typing seems to be absolutely dead in the water now as a choice, yet the very best law chambers and legal outlets rely on their superb secretarial and administrative teams.  Some top lawyers cannot function without their ever reliable and totally irresplaceable legal secretaries.   Training for these jobs has generally become a learning on the job exercise with the help of some truly excellent online courses and distance learning options.

Learning Schemes – Essential For Corporations

hat is LMS software we ask ourselves.  In a nutshell it’s a management system that assists the delivery of company led learning schemes for their employees.  If you have a sales force, you can design training corses for your teams to under take on regular basis.  The elements and topics can be selected from off the shelf schemes and dropped into your format.   You can also build courses from scratch with ideas and innovations unique to your company.    With a good company scheme you can reuse existing course material and include it alongside newly created.  Various dedicated files can be uploaded and interacted with new materials.   Apart from allowing your employees to study in their own time and at  pace that seems fair, corporate training programmes are an essential byt complex operation calling for procedural specification, pproaches and tools.   A good LMS will help train staff to thepoint where they confidently perform ther paid duties and it also helps retain them as staff members as hey now feel as though the belong to the whole corporation.

Training Consultancy Needed To Get Real

There’s only one thing that’s very annoying about training courses provided by one consultancy house – they will insist on supplying their own training staff.  In itself, that’s a very obvious idea, but they can be very patronising to the colleagues taking the training.  At least with the online courses, they are well out of the way in the back room!  A company I used to work for had a training agency on board to produce the course materials and set the framework of the training exercises.  This was before the advent of online training courses but the principle is similar – a bunch of folk who are individually very clever about computerised anything . . . . . .  it doesn’t always mean they can transfer their skills to the class room.  Whereas they can put all their knowledge into the online training – if they ask the client, it can be seen that their expertise in presenting training remains high.

E-Learning Schemes Consolidate Practical Lessons

As I sit here watching a very serious state occasion on tv it brintgs it all home to me how much training one needs in all kinds of situations.  Take the guards of honour at any civic cermony, they are trained for their duties to the absoloute ‘nth’ degree.  Hours and hours of practice, rehearsals and being yelled at by their training officers.   They undoubtedly have other duties they get on with when they’re not striding in time along the Mall or the long walk up to Windsor.   Each job we undertake requires an element of training and these days much of that can be enhanced with online e-learning.  Tailored courses re-inforce the teaching that starts off the process The salient points of all training have to be concentrated in small bursts so our brains can evaluate this knowledge and make the most of it.  Learning management software is the guiding factor in the delivery of all learning schemes

Troubled Students Can Thrive With E-Learning Methods

There are so many e-learning opportunities out there these days – no need for anybody to drift in a world of incomplete education.  Even the most difficult of students know their way around a mobile phone menu and can select absolutely anything they want to – despite not being able to achieve anything beyond being chief trouble maker at school.  It’s all about have the nous to realise how important further training is in any field.  Some youngsters cannot get to grip with the discipline required for an orderly well oiled machine that a good school is.  They resent not being the centre of attention and very often they are lacking the basic skills to keep up with class.  It is these folk who would always benefit from gently supervised online education – where they don’t have to stand up and show themselves up in front of others but can actually work their way around the screen with ease and usualy a great deal of knowledge and talent.

E-Education Aids Healthcare Career Ideas

There are all sorts of areas of healthcare that go unnoticed most of the time.  Let’s take physiotherapy, podiatry, dental nurse, dermatology etc. etc.  These are all essential services for anyone suffering a localised acute episode now and then.  They are there when we need them but we don’t hail the operators as heros in the same way we do doctors and nurses but when we do have a painful ingrown toe nail, or we need to see the dentist for those urgent repairs and xrays, we are so grateful for the background guys and gals!  Anyone thinking of taking up a healthcare role would be really well advised to look at the many online courses on offer by the most professional of the training schools.  Finding a niche career that will never fluctuate and will bring in a steady stream of patients must surely be the way forward.  Of course, existing practioners of any field of Healthcare will make even more progress with a study course or two under their belt.

Blended Nursing Degrees Help Bridge Gaps

these have been pretty welll unprescedented times, as we’ve been told thousands of times by experts, politicians and pundits.  The coronavirus tjhat’s been plaguing us since March 2020 has caused such a catastrophic change in how healthcare has been delivered that now nursing is the numbr one need for career choices.  To get to the governments aim of of 50 thousand new and fully qualified nurses within the time scale, there needs to be a massive shift in how folk get this training – many students are not university age, they are already working parents who now want to use previous degree towards healthcare and nursing.    Being able to help such a student would be to offer an innovative blended nursing bachelor’s degree from an existing BSc.  This will facilitate a student reaching Registered Nurse status.  One university,  particularly well known in the field of nursing degrees, has offered up one such blended course and gained full approval of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of England.  Their aim is to assist as many students as possible to launch a rewarding career in the field of nursing they choose.

Learn Healthcare Through Online Means

Healthcare courses will always be in high demand, with a need for people who can perform simple first aid, CPR and life saving skills required in most work places.  If you can arrive at a job interview and say you have a qualification in any of these healthcare topics, you will already be ahead of the rest of the pack!

Online courses offering healthcare training are a great way to learn new skills – first aid is always going to be a useful skill and fewer people than ever are willing and able to peform simple life saving or first response skills.  Another healthcare course which is easily learnt online is fire safety and risk management, which allows you to learn how to keep your business safe from fires and other hazards.

Online training is a great way to learn new skills as it offers a flexible and easy way to learn in your own time and wherever you wish to study, without the need to travel or attend lectures.