When you are undecided as to exactly what career you fancy, it is always a great idea to take a step back and look at what you really enjoy doing at school or college. Also what do your parents do, are they happy in their jobs. It’s asy to simply fall into the routine of just find a job in the paper on online, and not really asking if this is what you had planned whilst in education. If you fancy becomeing a phlebotomist for example, this is someone who does the blood tests we get sent for occasionally. They are essential people but we don’t hear much about how to become one. I know an former teacher who enquired and was put in tough with online training. Yes, e-learning was the way forward for her. Lots of it admittedly, but she absolutely loves that job. She sees a lots of people every day. Her e-learning courses have raised the question of how to calm a nervous person and she knows that every day she does that job, she could be saving lives by providing the answers the doctors need.