E-Learning Schemes Consolidate Practical Lessons

As I sit here watching a very serious state occasion on tv it brintgs it all home to me how much training one needs in all kinds of situations.  Take the guards of honour at any civic cermony, they are trained for their duties to the absoloute ‘nth’ degree.  Hours and hours of practice, rehearsals and being yelled at by their training officers.   They undoubtedly have other duties they get on with when they’re not striding in time along the Mall or the long walk up to Windsor.   Each job we undertake requires an element of training and these days much of that can be enhanced with online e-learning.  Tailored courses re-inforce the teaching that starts off the process The salient points of all training have to be concentrated in small bursts so our brains can evaluate this knowledge and make the most of it.  Learning management software is the guiding factor in the delivery of all learning schemes