The whole phrase, learning management software is enough of a mouthful to make you think it’s serious and not to be trifled with. A good LMS contains several paths to provide learning paths for students to track and manage their own progress in a clear way. These learning paths are essential for designing and organising learning content. By perhaps using gamification processes, it stimulaes the student to give more effort by achieving awards and goals to encourage them to incease their skill base in their chosen environment. Most students will give enhanced efforts to acquire additional recognised certification or accedited badges. There is also the recertification route – this encourages the partisipation of personnel in annual compliance training by presetting the required recertification window. Linking skills to the learning module will be enhanced if the provider assigns recommended skills levels to define a certain level of learning before the course is joined and commences as this informs the learner or student which skils will be improved by their participation in that course. Reporting usually involves the student rating their experience of a course or learning mode and designating which is most popular with best outcomes for students.