Learning Management & Progress Checks

Most home based folk who just use their computer or laptop for family emails, ordering from online sales outlets and that sort of thing will not worry their collective little heads about LMS.  This is a term that skirts around the periphery of life, just as AI used to.  However, LMS, learning managemnt systems, are designed to provide custom designed training for groups of employees in organisations large and small.  It tracks the progress that each candidate is making, or not as the case may be.  When I worked fll time in a government organisation, we had mandatory learning and career progression sessions that were viewed by most colleagues as a ‘big brother watching us’ item and they were never welcomed.  I personaly found them quite enlightening – being a massive ministry, the learning tools were bulk standard and the delivery was a one size fits all process.  However although at first listen, many of the courses seemed to be designed for another department’s staff, they were generally very well organised and I did learn a lot that stood me in good stead when navigating my way through various role applications.